With the Store Tax module, we extend the Store module even further.
By installing this module, you can create tax rules for specific countries or continents. Simply assign a high, low, and shipping rate, and you're done. Additionally, you can now validate a VAT number through the EU VIES service if it’s a European number, or by syntax alone for others.
Make sure your system meets the minimum requirements:
For every paid addon you need to validate your license in order to activate the module.
On a local environment, like *.dev
the license is valid for testing and building a new or existing sites.
For every other domain, you need to have a valid license.
Once installed, you will asked to enter your license key. When you entered a valid license you can hit the "Save license" button. This will start validating your license and will redirect you to addons.reinos.nl to login into your account. You can also register a new account in this process.
Once logged in, you are asked to use your current account or to login with another one.
Using the current logged in account, the server will check all info related to your license and once valid, it will redirect you back to your site where you see either a success message or an error message.
This module is using a license field to check if the license for the module is valid or not. On addons.reinos.nl you can check your license and add your valid domains.
In the Module CP you can enter then your license
When you enter a wrong license, the module will not work and it shows you an warning
Sometimes it happens that the license system says you have an invalid license. When this happens, make sure you have entered your domain url in your account, next to your license on addons.reinos.nl.
If this will not fix your license problem, please contact us on https://addons.reinos.nl/support
On the CP page you can modify a couple of things.
Determine how you entered the product prices. e.g. if you entered them without tax, select "exclusive". This way we can ensure we calculate the correct price for your tax.
Set the correct default tax rate that we should use when the user did not set a tax rate via the tax_rate="" param
Validate the tax number of the customer, both ins syntax as with the VIES service
Get the country from the member field. If the member field is empty, the default country will be used. You should save the country code in this field. You can do this by using {exp:reinos_store:country_list field_name="m_field_id_....." value="{member_field_for_country}"}
in your registration/edit form.
Use this country as default to calculate the TAX
Here you can set your TAX rules. You can define them by Country or Continent or you can set a GLOBAL TAX rule. Remember, order matters. So the first rule will apply if multiple are found.
This is where you can track all error logs
Enter your license key to activate your module