Reinos Store (formerly Reinos Simple Store) is a powerful and easy-to-use e-commerce module for ExpressionEngine, letting you create a fully functional webshop in minutes. With support for multi-currency, products and orders as entries, seamless payment integration and more. It's the ultimate solution for low to mid-range online stores—and even some larger ones!
While most essential features for a basic webshop are included, additional functionality can be unlocked with Store extensions.
Store supports the following features:
With this feature set, we likely support the entire low to mid-range of webshops. However, even some large webshops run on the Store module for ExpressionEngine.
Make sure your system meets the minimum requirements:
For every paid addon you need to validate your license in order to activate the module.
On a local environment, like *.dev
the license is valid for testing and building a new or existing sites.
For every other domain, you need to have a valid license.
Once installed, you will asked to enter your license key. When you entered a valid license you can hit the "Save license" button. This will start validating your license and will redirect you to to login into your account. You can also register a new account in this process.
Once logged in, you are asked to use your current account or to login with another one.
Using the current logged in account, the server will check all info related to your license and once valid, it will redirect you back to your site where you see either a success message or an error message.
This module is using a license field to check if the license for the module is valid or not. On you can check your license and add your valid domains.
In the Module CP you can enter then your license
When you enter a wrong license, the module will not work and it shows you an warning
Sometimes it happens that the license system says you have an invalid license. When this happens, make sure you have entered your domain url in your account, next to your license on
If this will not fix your license problem, please contact us on
On the CP page you can modify a couple of things.
Set this to the url where your order is shown on the frontend.
By setting this url, you are able to view the order in the admin panel just the way the user its seeing the order.
(By default we always show the native Order view)
Set the price for shipping
Set the first (high) tax rate
The second (low) tax rate
Set the default rate
The TAX rate for the shipping
Is the price of a product incl TAX or excl TAX or none?
Set the default currency
Set the decimal point value to format the price
Set the thousand separator
The From address
The from name
Send the mail also to notification one or more addresses.
Send it as text or HTML
Set a default country
Select the countries that are allowed for the shop
This is the field where you can put your store info (can be HTML for formatting the data). This data will be printed in your invoices (top right)
Make a sum of all discount of just the first.
If not enabled, it will pick the highest value.
Setting to control whether each item is added to the cart as a new entry or stacked (default).
What should we log?
There are some settings that you can set on a global level. These settings sits here.
In order to update your inventory, you should have at least a field that is of type text - number
. Here you can select that field.
After you have selected that field, we are updating this field when an order is created. But also we update this field once an order is cancelled.
Each cart item is a new record in the cart instead of stacking up
Enter a offset in days for setting an expiration date when syncing the order item. This is usally used when your order item is a virtual product
Enable the generation of a license key when syncing the order item. This is usally used when your order item is a digital product and has a license key. The mapped field can be set in the sync settings for the order items.
The module comes with some default predefined templates that can be used for your shop. On this page you can install them.
Create a discount coupon or add a discount per member ID with a fixed amount or order percentage.
(Note: discount code can only be used one time)
This is where you can track all error logs
The order overview page. For the detail page we connect the url of your frontend to the order. If you did not set an order template (we suggest you do), it will show the details in a simple page.
Enter your license key to activate your module
In order to setup the store you have to follow the following steps.
Create a channel (e.g. called Products) with at least the following fields
and assign the fieldtype Reinos Store - Price
to it.product_sale_price
and assign the fieldtype Reinos Store - Price
to it. *product_disable_shipping
and assign the fieldtype toggle
to it. *product_weight
and assign the fieldtype text
to it and set the Allowed content
for this field to Number
. *product_inventory
and assign the fieldtype text
to it and set the Allowed content
for this field to Number
. ** Not required, but the template expect this field. However, you can omit this field in your own template
As of v3.0.0 we added a folder with an example channel and fields that can be zipped and imported into EE. Simply zip the folder ee_reinos_store/system/user/addons/reinos_store/custom_channels/products/ChannelSet
--> <give-it-a-name>.zip
and import it into ExpressionEngine.
We use the following off-site gateways. The following gateways can be enabled and configured in the control panel and after that you can use the following tag (inside your checkout tag) to loop over your enabled gateways.
{!-- This is a select list, but your can convert it to anything you like. As long we have an input[gateway] field in the checkout tag --}
<select name="gateway">
<option value="">Choose your gateway</option>
<option value="{gateway:name}">{gateway:label}</option>
By using this Gateway you can order any product without doing a real payment. Mostly this is used to send the customer a custom invoice. But it can also be used when developing your site where you cannot use the real provider.
This is a Dutch payment provider that support a large amount of payment methods.
Go to your dashboard --> Developers --> API Keys. There you see an API key for either testing or for production. Both API keys are needed, so you can copy both.
This is another Dutch payment provider that support a large amount of payment methods.
Go to your dashboard --> Settings --> Website --> API Keys. By default you have a production account, but you can also create a developer account via to obtain a test API key
For Paypal we use the REST client to give the best Paypal experience.
Client ID
and the Secret
to the Store Paypal fields.We support Stripe checkout. See the official documentation
If you'd like to use a different Gateway, please let me know, so I can add this for you (not free).
(Added in v3.0.0)
By default, the Store module provides a simple solution for managing your order inventory. The current setup allows you to select a channel field for inventory tracking. This field must be part of your product channel
, and shoulb be a Text
type, and configured withAllowed Content
set to Number
When an order is placed, the module updates this field by subtracting the purchased quantity. If an order is canceled, the field is updated again, adding back the quantity of the canceled items (this is optional and can be configured).
As shown below, you can manage these settings in Reinos Store CP -> Channel Settings.
The tag for adding items to the cart
Below are the Tag Parameters. Those parameters can be used in the tag described above
The return url, default to the current url
The SKU for a product. If omitted, it allows you to add multiple lines of the same products in to your cart.
Set the entry_id of your product. This way we can reference the product to your entry.
Set your product name
Set the price of the product.
Set the sales price of the product. This will be the price for the product and you can show this in your cart where for example you strike-through the {price}.
Set the tax.
This can either low
or high
and load the value that has been set in your settings
If omit the param, it will fallback on the default tax rate set in the settings.
Set the weight of the product. Mostly used when using the Shipping module
product_price="70" {!-- This set a weight of 70kg or 70lbs --}
When adding a product, your can clear the cart to have a cart with always one product.
If you have no shipping cost, you can disable it for a product
Set the form class
Set the form id
Set the order Item Id that you want to reference as a parent item.
This is normally used when you reorder an item or renew for virtual products
Set custom fields
<input name="qty" value="1"/><br>
<input name="note" value=""/><br>
<input name="custom_fields[yet_another]" value="custom value"/><br>
<input name="custom_fields[and_another]" value="other custom value"/><br>
Return the error when an invalid price is given.
{if error:invalid_price}
<p style="color:red;">You have entered an invalid price</p>
Return the error when an invalid sales price is given.
{if error:invalid_sale_price}
<p style="color:red;">You have entered an invalid sales price</p>
Below a small example how you can add a product to your cart
{!--Custom fields via prop --}
custom_fields:test="test custom field"
{if error:invalid_price}
<p style="color:red;">You have entered an invalid price</p>
{if error:invalid_sale_price}
<p style="color:red;">You have entered an invalid sale price</p>
{if error:out_of_stock}
<p style="color:red;">There is not enough stock</p>
<div class="flex flex-col space-y-1">
<label class="font-medium">Custom Field</label>
<input class="input" type="text" name="custom_fields[field_from_input]" placeholder="custom field"/>
<div class="flex flex-col space-y-1">
<label class="font-medium" for="qty">Aantal</label>
<input class="input" type="number" id="qty" name="qty" value="1"/><br>
{!-- a simple note --}
<label class="font-medium" for="note">Aantal</label>
<input class="input" type="text" id="note" name="note" value=""/><br>
{!-- You can also update a custom field for an cart item here --}
{!-- "field_from_input" is here the name of the custom field --}
<input class="border p-1 rounded" value="{exp:reinos_store:custom_cart_item_field_value cart_id="{cart:id}" field="field_from_input"}" name="custom_fields[{cart:id}][field_from_input]">
<input type="submit" class="button" value="Add to Cart"/>
With this tag you can get the value of a specific custom field for a cart item
{exp:reinos_store:custom_cart_item_field_value cart_id="10" field="my_custom_field"}
Below are the Tag Parameters. Those parameters can be used in the tag described above
The unique cart item ID
The field name where you want to get the value from
{exp:reinos_store:cart prefix="cart:" can_update="yes"}
<input class="border p-1 rounded" value="{exp:reinos_store:custom_cart_item_field_value cart_id="{cart:id}" field="field_from_input"}" name="custom_fields[{cart:id}][field_from_input]">
The cart tag is responsible for creating a cart overview.
Below are the Tag Parameters. Those parameters can be used in the tag described above
The return url, default to the current url
Set the form class
Set the form id
Set a prefix for your variables
Mark the cart so it can be updated. We add a <form/>
tag in the html.
Below are the Tag Variables. Those Variables can be used in the tag described above
Check if there are no_items
{if cart:no_items}...{/if}
Loop over the items in the cart
{cart:old_price} // when dealing with a sale price, this is the original_price
{cart:old_price:formatted} // when dealing with a sale price, this is the original_price
{cart:old_price_plus_tax} // when dealing with a sale price, this is the original_price
{cart:old_price_plus_tax:formatted} // when dealing with a sale price, this is the original_price
{cart:old_price_total} // when dealing with a sale price, this is the original_price
{cart:old_price_total:formatted} // when dealing with a sale price, this is the original_price
{cart:old_price_total_plus_tax} // when dealing with a sale price, this is the original_price
{cart:old_price_total_plus_tax:formatted} // when dealing with a sale price, this is the original_price
{cart:custom_fields}<strong>{custom_fields:label}:</strong> {custom_fields:value}{/cart:custom_fields}
{cart:on_sale} // bool if the product is on sale
The total number of different products in the cart
The total qty of all items in the cart
This is the subtotal before any discount is applied.
This is the subtotal before any discount is applied.
To use the coupon code, simply add the field <input type="text" name="coupon_code" value="{cart:coupon_code}"/>
. (see the examples for details)
Hold all entry_ids as a pipeline delimited string
{exp:reinos_store:cart prefix="cart:" can_update="yes" return_url="store/cart"}
<h1 class="font-bold mt-5 text-2xl">Your cart</h1>
{if cart:no_items}
<p>No cart items</p>
<p class="mb-10 text-italic">({cart:total_items} products in cart and {cart:total_items_qty} items in cart)</p>
<table class="w-full table-auto mt-4 mb-4">
<thead class="border-b-2">
<th align="left">Name</th>
<th align="left">Qty</th>
<th align="left">Price</th>
<th align="left">Subtotal</th>
<th />
{exp:channel:entries entry_id="{cart:entry_id}" dynamic="no"}
<tr class="border-b">
<div class="py-3">
<a href="{page_uri}">{title}</a>
{if cart:sku != ''}<small>sku: {cart:sku}</small>{/if}
{cart:custom_fields}<br><strong>{custom_fields:label}:</strong> {custom_fields:value}{/cart:custom_fields}
<td><input class="border p-1 rounded" type="number" value="{cart:qty}" name="qty[{cart:id}]"></td>
{if cart:on_sale} <strike>{cart:old_price_plus_tax:formatted}</strike>{/if}
{if cart:on_sale} <strike>{cart:old_price_total_plus_tax:formatted}</strike>{/if}
<td align="right">
{exp:reinos_store:delete_cart_item cart_item_id="{cart:id}" return_url="/store"}
<a class="button" href="{remove_cart_item_url}">Remove</a>
<div class="w-1/2 flex flex-col ml-auto">
<h3 class="text-lg font-medium mt-5">Coupon code</h3>
<div class="flex gap-x-1 mb-5">
<input class="w-full border p-1 rounded" type="text" name="coupon_code" value="{cart:coupon_code}"/>
<input type="submit" name="update" value="Apply" class="button"/>
<td align="right"><strong>Subtotal</strong></td>
<td align="right">{cart:subtotal_plus_tax:formatted}</td>
{if cart:discount > 0}
<td align="right"><strong>Discount</strong></td>
<td align="right">{cart:discount:formatted}</td>
{if cart:tax > 0}
<td align="right"><strong>TAX</strong></td>
<td align="right">{cart:tax:formatted}</td>
{if cart:shipping_plus_tax > 0}
<td align="right"><strong>Shipping</strong></td>
<td align="right">{cart:shipping_plus_tax:formatted}</td>
<td align="right"><strong>Total excl</strong></td>
<td align="right">{cart:total:formatted}</td>
<td align="right"><strong>Total</strong></td>
<td align="right">{cart:total_plus_tax:formatted}</td>
<input type="submit" name="update" value="Update" class="button"/>
<input type="submit" name="clear" value="Clear cart" class="button"/>
<a class="button" href="/index.php/store/checkout">Checkout</a>
With the remove Cart Item Tag your are able to remove a single item from the cart
Below are the Tag Parameters. Those parameters can be used in the tag described above
The unique cart item ID
Below are the Tag Variables. Those Variables can be used in the tag described above
The actual url that can be used to delete the cart item
{exp:reinos_store:cart prefix="cart:" can_update="yes"}
{exp:reinos_store:delete_cart_item cart_item_id="{cart:id}"}
<a href="{remove_cart_item_url}">Remove</a>
The Checkout tag. This is the tag that is responsible for the whole checkout process.
The moulde is shipped with a ready-to-go template, however, you can still change everything to your needs.
Below are the Tag Parameters. Those parameters can be used in the tag described above
Set the customer phone as required.
Set the customer company name as required.
The return url, default to the current url
Set the form class
Set the form id
Control wether the billing address fields are required or not.
enable_billing_address="yes" (default)
Control wether the shipping address fields are required or not.
enable_shipping_address="yes" (default)
For all of the input fields you can define a default value via the default_<field_name>
default_billing_address="Your default billing_address"
default_billing_address2="Your default billing_address2"
default_billing_city="Your default billing_city"
default_billing_country="Your default billing_country"
default_billing_zip="Your default billing_zip"
default_billing_state="Your default billing_state"
default_shipping_address="Your default shipping_address"
default_shipping_address2="Your default shipping_address2"
default_shipping_city="Your default shipping_city"
default_shipping_country="Your default shipping_country"
default_shipping_state="Your default shipping_state"
default_shipping_zip="Your default shipping_zip"
default_customer_first_name="Your default customer_first_name"
default_customer_last_name="Your default customer_last_name"
default_customer_email="Your default customer_email"
default_customer_phone="Your default customer_phone"
default_customer_company="Your default customer_company"
default_customer_tax_no="Your default customer_tax_no"
Below are the Tag Variables. Those Variables can be used in the tag described above
Global errors
But we also have them as separated error variables
{global_error:shipping_type_missing} // coming from the shipping module
Check for global errors
{if has_global_errors}
Check for field errors
{if has_field_errors}
Error, if there is one, per field
{!-- for example --}
{if customer_company:error != ''}<span class="text-red">{customer_company:error}</span>{/if}
Values, if there is something, per field
Add custom/extra fields to your checkout process.
You need to define the field names in custom_fields
and in the body of {exp:reinos_store:checkout} you can add the actual HTML
<input name="name" placeholder="custom_fields[name]" />
<input name="email" type="custom_fields[email]" placeholder="email" />
<input type="checkbox" name="custom_fields[agree_with_terms]" value="yes"/> Agree with the terms
The example templates are using the stepping technique. Each step Personal and billing and shipping adress
, Shipping
and payment
are a step in the order process.
We enable this by adding the name name="step-1"
or name="step-3"
to the next button as you can seen in the example template
<button name="step-2" type="submit" class="button">Next step</button>
This tag will convert your ISO-2 lang code to a readable one.
Get a select HTML list of all your countries, and also checking the settings for default and allowed countries
{exp:reinos_store:country_list type="billing" class="form-control" value=""}
Below are the Tag Parameters. Those parameters can be used in the tag described above
Set the CLASS for the select
Set the ID for the select
Set to billing
or shipping
If no type is set, you can also use a field_name to set the name of the input
set the default value
Simply duplicate a cart item
Below are the Tag Parameters. Those parameters can be used in the tag described above
The id of the cart item.
Most of the time you get this id in the {cart:items}
loop in your cart. See the example for a better understanding.
Create a file site/duplicate-cart-item-id
with the following content
{exp:reinos_store:duplicate_cart_item cart_item_id="{segment_3}" return_url="/reinos_store/cart"}
and in your cart you can do something like:
{exp:reinos_store:cart prefix="cart:" can_update="yes" return_url="reinos_store/cart"}
<a href="/site/duplicate-cart-item-id/{cart:id}">Duplicate cart item</a>
Format the price to the correct decimals and currency symbol
Below the global variables that can be used anywhere.
The total number of different products in the cart
The total qty of all items in the cart
Check if the shipping module is installed
Check if the Tax module is installed
Return the ajax url for updating the checkout details. See the example template for the usage.
The order tag. It comes in 2 flavours, one for getting a single order {exp:reinos_store:order}
and one for getting a list of orders {exp:reinos_store:orders}
Both tags have the same parameters and variables.
Pagination is following the ExpressionEngine standard. See for the implementation guide.
Below are the Tag Parameters. Those parameters can be used in the tag described above
Prefix the variables
Set a order_id for the order you want to fetch
Set a hash for the order you want to fetch
Select all orders for the given member_id
Filter based on the status.
Possible options: open
Possible options are desc
Possible options are status
Below are the Tag Variables. Those Variables can be used in the tag described above
Check if there is any result
{if no_results}...{/if}
Check if we still cancan pay the order.
Some providers support to pay after the order has been created but somehow is now paid and still open
{if order:can_complete }
Your order is not yet payed, finish your order by clicking <a href="{order:payment_url}">here</a>.
The payment url, used when the order is open and should be paid
{if order:can_complete }
Your order is not yet payed, finish your order by clicking <a href="{order:payment_url}">here</a>.
This is the entry that is synced to this order
{order:time format="%d %M %Y"}
The ISO-2 lang code.
The full country name
The ISO-2 state code.
The full state name
The ISO-2 lang code.
The full country name
The ISO-2 state code.
The full state name
Loop over the items in the order
{order:items:old_price} // when dealing with a sale price, this is the original_price
{order:items:old_price:formatted} // when dealing with a sale price, this is the original_price
{order:items:old_price_plus_tax} // when dealing with a sale price, this is the original_price
{order:items:old_price_plus_tax:formatted} // when dealing with a sale price, this is the original_price
{order:items:entry_id} // the entry that is connected to this item
{order:items:old_price_total} // when dealing with a sale price, this is the original_price
{order:items:old_price_total:formatted} // when dealing with a sale price, this is the original_price
{order:items:old_price_total_plus_tax} // when dealing with a sale price, this is the original_price
{order:items:old_price_total_plus_tax:formatted} // when dealing with a sale price, this is the original_price
<strong>{custom_fields:label} ({custom_fields:name}):</strong> {custom_fields:value}
{order:items:on_sale} // bool if the product is on sale
{order:items:sync_order_items_entry_id} // this is the entry item that is synced to this order item
Hold all entry_ids as a pipeline delimited string
Get the custom fields that are used in the checkout tag
{custom_field:name}: {custom_field:value}
The price fieldtype is a special fieldtype that can hold currency values.
By default the fieldtype field output a numeric value that can be used for the {exp:reinos_mollie:add_to_cart product_price=""}
Below are the Fieldtype Modifiers. Those Variables can be used in the tag described above
Output the price without TAX and formatted
Output the price with TAX and formatted
{your-field-name:plus_tax} //fall back on the default tax value
{your-field-name:plus_tax tax="low"}
{your-field-name:plus_tax tax="high"}
{your-field-name:plus_tax tax="22"} //custom numeric value
Output the price with TAX as a numeric value
{your-field-name:plus_tax_numeric} //fall back on the default tax value
{your-field-name:plus_tax_numeric tax="low"}
{your-field-name:plus_tax_numeric tax="high"}
{your-field-name:plus_tax_numeric tax="22"} //custom numeric value
Output the price without TAX as a numeric value
Output the price, as given as a numeric value
{your-field-name:numeric} //fall back on the default tax value
{your-field-name:numeric tax="low"}
{your-field-name:numeric tax="high"}
{your-field-name:numeric tax="22"} //custom numeric value
Output the price, as given formatted
{your-field-name:formatted} //fall back on the default tax value
{your-field-name:formatted tax="low"}
{your-field-name:formatted tax="high"}
{your-field-name:formatted tax="22"} //custom numeric value
Get the available shipping methods
(Added in v3.0.0)
Due to the integration of the shipping module we are also making the shipping methods available via a template tag.
Without the shipping module, there is always one option.
Below are the Tag Parameters. Those parameters can be used in the tag described above
You can use it as following in your checkout tag, just as the example template
<div class="border rounded p-4 flex items-center gap-x-4">
<input {if shipping_methods:selected}checked{/if} id="{shipping_methods:name}" type="radio" name='shipping_type' value='{shipping_methods:name}' />
<label for="{shipping_methods:name}">{shipping_methods:title}</label>
Get a select HTML list of all your US states.
{exp:reinos_store:state_list type="billing" class="form-control" value=""}
Below are the Tag Parameters. Those parameters can be used in the tag described above
Set the CLASS for the select
Set the ID for the select
Set to billing
or shipping
If no type is set, you can also use a field_name to set the name of the input
set the default value
Starting with version 2.x.x, it is possible to sync your Orders and Order Items with your regular Entry Channels. This gives you the flexibility to use regular Entry tags and the option to add extra fields if needed.
Once you configure the settings, syncing happens automatically in the background. Orders will be synced to the Entries, and if you make changes to an order within an Entry, it will be synced back to the module. This ensures that the module and the entries remain in sync.
Note: If you upgraded from an older version before 2.x.x. You have to manually sync the entries. Please go to you Order overview and click "Sync Order Status". On this page you can sync your entries.
Remember, syncing a lot of order can take a while.
First you need to create your channels and your fields. For the Order Channel you can sync the following fields:
As of v3.0.0 we added a folder that can be zipped and imported into EE. Simply zip the folder ee_reinos_store/system/user/addons/reinos_store/custom_channels/order_items/ChannelSet
--> <give-it-a-name>.zip
and import it into ExpressionEngine.
The following fields should be created for an Order Channel
text input
text input
text input
text input
text input
text input
text input
text input
text input
text input
text input
text input
text input
text input
text input
Reinos store - price
Reinos store - price
Reinos store - price
Reinos store - price
Reinos store - price
Reinos store - price
Reinos store - price
Reinos store - price
Reinos store - price
Reinos store - price
text input
text input
text input
text input
text input
Reinos store - custom fields
- render the custom fieldsReinos store - order fields
- render the Items of an OrderThe following fields should be created for the Order Items Channel
text input
text input
(the entry_id of the product)text input
text input
text input
Reinos store - price
Reinos store - price
Reinos store - price
Reinos store - price
Reinos store - price
simReinosple store - price
Reinos store - price
Reinos store - price
Reinos store - custom fields
- render the custom fieldstext input
- The order ID of the ordertext input
- Next to the order ID, there is also a order Hash that is not guessable, good for url_titlestext input
- This is the Order Item ID of the product that has been orderedtext input
- Parent Order Item ID', 'In case you renew/reorder an you can set the parent_order_item_id={order_item_id} param to the add_cart tag to track the parent ordered item. Also usefull for virtual productsThe following fields needs to configured in order to sync your Orders to Entries.
Field | Description |
Channel | Choose the channel where we should save the Order to. |
Order Title Prefix | Set a prefix for the title. By default we will use #order-{orderId} |
URL Title Prefix | Set prefix for your URL Title |
Order Status | Select the Status from your Channel that we should map |
Order Fields | Select a Field from your Channel that we should map |
Just like the orders, Order Items needs to be configured in the same way as Orders.
Field | Description |
Channel | Choose the channel where we should save the Order Item to. |
Order Title Prefix | Set a prefix for the title |
License key | Set a field where we can store a license key e.g. for digital products. |
Order Status | Select the Status from your Channel that we should map |
Order Fields | Select a Field from your Channel that we should map |
The custom_field fieldtype is a special fieldtype that can read out the custom fields of a synced item. It will render a table in the Channel Entry view and has a tagpair to render the custom_fields in your HTML.
You should use
The order_items fieldtype is a special fieldtype that can read out the Order Items of a synced item. It will render a table in the Channel Entry view and has a tagpair to render the order_items in your HTML.
You should use
(Added in v3.0.0)
By default, the Store module comes with a simple solution for managing your order inventory. Currently, we have a straightforward setup that allows you to select a channel field used for inventory tracking. This field is part of your product channel.
When an order is placed, we update this field by subtracting the quantity from this custom field. If an order is canceled, we update the field again by adding back the quantity of the canceled items (this is an option).
As shown below, you can manage these settings in the Reinos Store CP -> Channel Settings.
Reinos Store Module Gateways are vital for your store, as they facilitate the actual payment process between your customers and you. We currently support a few native gateways. However, since there are many payment providers worldwide, we cannot support them all out of the box.
To address this, we have implemented a clean gateway system built on top of the Omnipay library, making it easy for you to add your own payment provider.
Below we will explain a bit how the file should look like, but if you don't have time to read you can just look at the file example_gateway/system/user/addons/reinos_store_gateway_test/Gateway.php
that is shipped with the Reinos Store module
The folder and file structure is essential for the Reinos Store module to recognize and support your new gateway.
To add a new gateway, you need to use the following folder structure:
└── system
│ └── user
│ │ └── addons
│ │ │ └── reinos_store_gateway_<your_gateway_name>
| │ │ │ └── Gateway.php
So if your gatway is called instapay
you structure looks like
└── system
│ └── user
│ │ └── addons
│ │ │ └── reinos_store_gateway_instapay
| │ │ │ └── Gateway.php
The Gateway.php
file is the file that connect your payment to the Reinos Store module. It should contain a couple of functions that will be called by the module.
In the $info
variable we define the names and fields of this Gateway.
This is the short_name of the gateway. It should be lowercase snake_case.
public static $info = [
'name' => 'instapay',
The label is displayed both in the Control Panel (CP) and in the payment selector. It represents the clean, user-friendly name of the gateway.
public static $info = [
'label' => 'InstaPay',
The description (desc) provides details about the payment gateway, offering a clean and concise explanation. It may also include information on how to obtain the required keys.
public static $info = [
'desc' => 'You can get your KEYS from the InstaPay dashboard (Developer --> Api Keys)',
For some gateways, the notify URL needs to be visible to the public so it can be copied into the payment provider's dashboard. This flag enables that functionality. When set to true
, the notify URL will be displayed publicly in the Control Panel (CP).
public static $info = [
'showNotifyUrl' => true,
Some payment providers offer an offsite payment selection, while others handle payments directly during checkout. Here, you can define whether this gateway is an offsite or onsite gateway.
public static $info = [
'offsite' => true,
Most gateways require an API key or similar credentials. With the fields section, you can define these or other necessary fields, allowing you to fill them directly within your Control Panel (CP) when enabling this gateway.
public static $info = [
'fields' => [
'debug' => [
'type' => 'yes_no',
'label' => 'Debug mode',
'desc' => 'Enable debug mode',
'test_api_key' => [
'type' => 'text',
'label' => 'Test API KEY',
'live_api_key' => [
'type' => 'text',
'label' => 'Live API KEY',
In the constructor, we create the actual payment instance using the Omnipay library. This is also where we check if an API key is set.
Depending on your gateway, there may be additional steps required, but that is up to you to implement.
Below, you'll find the bare minimum example.
public function __construct($gatewayData)
// set the gateway data
// this hold all data that was set in CP for the dynamic fields
$this->gatewayData = $gatewayData;
// init the gateway from the omnipay library
$this->gateway = \Omnipay\Omnipay::create('YourGatewayName');
// set the api key based on the debug setting
// this is up to you how you want to handle this
$apiKey = $this->gatewayData['debug'] === 'y' ? $this->gatewayData['test_api_key'] : $this->gatewayData['live_api_key'];
// pass the api key to the gateway
The create()
function is responsible for initiating the payment. It uses the Omnipay library's purchase()
function to call the actual payment provider.
Depending on your gateway, you can extend the purchase data as needed.
public function create($order, $currency, $gatewayData = [])
// create a purchase request
$response = $this->gateway->purchase(
'currency' => $currency,
'amount' => $order->total_plus_tax,
'description' => 'Order #' . $order->order_id,
// generate the return and notify url
// you can use the helper functions here
'returnUrl' => $this->generateReturnUrl($order),
'notifyUrl' => $this->generateNotifyUrl(self::$info['name']),
// generate the metadata, such as the order data
'metadata' => $this->generateMetaData($order),
// format the response so the Store module can handle it
return $this->formatResponse($response, $this);
The saveStatus()
call is needed to define which status should be set. By default, the Omnipay library provides several methods to determine the status. You can refer to the documentation here: Omnipay Response Statuses.
Depending on your gateway implementation, you can choose to use these methods or implement your own. Below, you'll find a complete example.
protected function saveStatus($order, $transaction)
// this one is a bit up to you
// not every payment provider has the same status or has implemented the same status methods
// below an example of how you can handle this
if ($order && $transaction) {
if ($transaction->isPaid() && !$transaction->isRefunded() && !$transaction->hasChargebacks()) {
} elseif ($transaction->isOpen()) {
} elseif ($transaction->isPending()) {
} elseif ($transaction->isExpired()) {
} elseif ($transaction->isCancelled()) {
} elseif ($transaction->hasRefunds()) {
} elseif ($transaction->hasChargebacks()) {
} else {
// this is the most important part
// this will update the order, inventory and sync the entry if needed
return $this->updateVitals($order, $newStatus);
return false;
is called when we can complete an order. Here we fetch the transaction and call in the saveStatus()
public function completeOrder($order)
// complete an order by fetching the transaction
// and update the status based on the transaction
$transactionResponse = $this->gateway->fetchTransaction(
array('transactionReference' => $order->transaction_id)
return $this->saveStatus($order, $transactionResponse);
When a payment provider calls the notify URL to inform you about a status update, it will usually send the transaction ID along with the request.
The getTransactionIdOnNotifyCall()
function is called to fetch that ID. It's up to you and your payment provider to determine how and where to retrieve it. However, in most cases, it is sent as a POST parameter, often labeled as id.
public function getTransactionIdOnNotifyCall()
return ee()->input->get_post('id');
Added in 3.1.0
if (ee()->extensions->active_hook('reinos_store_cart_item_save_start') === TRUE)
ee()->extensions->call('reinos_store_cart_item_save_start', $values);
Added in 3.1.0
if (ee()->extensions->active_hook('reinos_store_cart_item_save_end') === TRUE)
ee()->extensions->call('reinos_store_cart_item_save_end', $values, $cartItem);
Added in 3.1.0
if (ee()->extensions->active_hook('reinos_store_cart_item_save_start') === TRUE)
ee()->extensions->call('reinos_store_cart_item_save_start', $values, $cartItem);
Added in 3.1.0
if (ee()->extensions->active_hook('reinos_store_cart_item_save_end') === TRUE)
ee()->extensions->call('reinos_store_cart_item_save_end', $values, $cartItem);
Added in 3.1.0
if (ee()->extensions->active_hook('reinos_store_cart_clear_items_start') === TRUE)
ee()->extensions->call('reinos_store_cart_clear_items_start', $cartItems);
Added in 3.1.0
if (ee()->extensions->active_hook('reinos_store_cart_clear_items_end') === TRUE)
Added in 3.1.0
if (ee()->extensions->active_hook('reinos_store_checkout_start') === TRUE)
Added in 3.1.0
if (ee()->extensions->active_hook('reinos_store_checkout_end') === TRUE)
ee()->extensions->call('reinos_store_checkout_end', $order);
Added in 3.1.0
if (ee()->extensions->active_hook('reinos_store_inventory_update') === TRUE)
ee()->extensions->call('reinos_store_inventory_update', $orderItem, $oldInventory, $newInventory);
Added in 3.1.0
if (ee()->extensions->active_hook('reinos_store_inventory_update') === TRUE)
ee()->extensions->call('reinos_store_inventory_update', $orderItem, $oldInventory, $newInventory);
Added in 3.1.0
if (ee()->extensions->active_hook('reinos_store_payment_start') === TRUE)
ee()->extensions->call('reinos_store_payment_start', $order, $gateway);
Added in 3.1.0
if (ee()->extensions->active_hook('reinos_store_payment_end') === TRUE)
ee()->extensions->call('reinos_store_payment_end', $order, $gateway);
Added in 3.1.0
if (ee()->extensions->active_hook('reinos_store_status_update') === TRUE)
ee()->extensions->call('reinos_store_status_update', $order, $status);
Added in 3.1.0
if (ee()->extensions->active_hook('reinos_store_sync_order') === TRUE)
ee()->extensions->call('reinos_store_sync_order', $order, $entry);
Added in 3.1.0
if (ee()->extensions->active_hook('reinos_store_sync_order_item') === TRUE)
ee()->extensions->call('reinos_store_sync_order_item', $order, $entry);
as we now convert your names like this test_field_for_input
--> Test field for input
and order_hash
can be synced to an entry, but they cannot be changed in the entry self as this data is protected.{order:extra_fields}{extra_field:name}-{extra_field:value}{/order:extra_fields}
--> {order:custom_fields}{custom_field:name}-{custom_field:value}{/order:custom_fields}
and in your {exp:reinos_store:checkout}
you should now use custom_fields
instead of extra_fields
.{exp:reinos_store:orders}{order:items}{order:items:custom_fields}<strong>{custom_fields:label} ({custom_fields:name}):</strong> {custom_fields:value}{/order:items:custom_fields}{/order:items}{/exp:reinos_store:orders}
and sync_order_items_entry_id
to the {exp:reinos_store:order}
tag so you can get the synced entry if needed{exp:reinos_store:duplicate_cart_item}
to simply duplicate a cart item via a tag{order:items:tax}}
and {order:items:tax:formatted}
to the order tag e.g. {order:items}{order:items:tax}-{order:items:tax:formatted}{/order:items}
and sort
param for the orders tagnote
field for order items. This field can be synced as well.parent_order_item_id
option to track the parent order_item_id in case you renew/reorder a product and you want to track down the parent.subtotal_before_discount
and subtotal_before_discount_plus_tax
. This field holds the original value before any discount is applied.order_items
Important As we have added subtotal_before_discount
and subtotal_before_discount_plus_tax
. You should run a migration script that will calculate these fields for you. Please go to admin.php?/cp/addons/settings/reinos_store/migration_320 and run the migration.
param to the {exp:reinos:country_list}
and {exp:reinos:state_list}
tag so it can be used where ever you wantCookies and session ID
.Breaking changes See
You need at least v2.x.x to upgrade to this version. Inside all v3.x.x releases, there is a v2.x.x. release. You can use this version to upgrade to the latest v2.x.x and after that upgrade you are good to go to update to v3.x.x.
As we renamed the module from reinos_simple_store
to reinos_store
we also added a migration script. This file is located here --> system/user/addons/reinos_store/mysql-migrate-200--300.sql
. Its just a sql script that can be executed right after you are on the latest version.
files (both themes
and system
folder)We are not including the migration process within the module itself, as it is prone to errors. Since the module's name has changed, ExpressionEngine cannot directly handle this update. By following the steps above, your transition should be smooth.
tags to the checkout tag to loop over the shipping methods{reinos_store_update_checkout_details_ajax_url}
was redirecting to the return_url
instead of the current_url
was showing in the price if you set the currency behind the pricetax=""
to tax_rate="high|low"
for the {reinos_store:add_to_cart}
tag{exp:reinos_simple_store:orders member_id='1'}
to list orders for a specific user{exp:reinos_simple_store:delete_cart_item cart_item_id=""}
to remove a single product from the cartstatus="open"
param to the {exp:reinos_simple_store:order}
custom_fields:test="test value"
) can be set via custom_fields_label:test="Testing"
. Input fields are supported as welltotal_items_qty
--> return the total qty of all items in the cart{exp:reinos_simple_store:store_address}
to print the global store address fieldcustomer_phone_required
to mark the Phone and Company name as required if needed{billing_country_full_name}
and {billing_country_full_name}
to output the full name for the country{cart:total_items}
price values