

Always have trouble with the integration of Mapping tools like Google Maps etc on your site? Always struggling to get it work? Well, those days are gone with the Maps module for ExpressionEngine. You can now easily create Maps, markers, polygon, routes and more.

Maps was build to make a mapping tool that can be used for free, no extra cost from API services


There is a lot possible with the default Maps module, see the example page page for the 50+ examples

Maps Modules

For the Maps modules there are a couple of modules that extend the Maps with extra functionality

Documentation versions



Make sure your system meets the minimum requirements:

Installation Instructions

Update instructions

version 3.x

This version is a major update that can only be installed on top of version 2.3.x or higher. See

Live examples

Examples can be found here


For every paid addon you need to validate your license in order to activate the module.

On a local environment, like *.dev *.local *.localhost *.test the license is valid for testing and building a new or existing sites. For every other domain, you need to have a valid license.

Process of validating

Once installed, you will asked to enter your license key. When you entered a valid license you can hit the "Save license" button. This will start validating your license and will redirect you to to login into your account. You can also register a new account in this process.

Control panel overview

Once logged in, you are asked to use your current account or to login with another one.

Control panel overview

Using the current logged in account, the server will check all info related to your license and once valid, it will redirect you back to your site where you see either a success message or an error message.

Control panel overview

License field

This module is using a license field to check if the license for the module is valid or not. On you can check your license and add your valid domains.

Control panel overview

In the Module CP you can enter then your license Control panel overview

When you enter a wrong license, the module will not work and it shows you an warning Control panel overview

Invalid license

Sometimes it happens that the license system says you have an invalid license. When this happens, make sure you have entered your domain url in your account, next to your license on

If this will not fix your license problem, please contact us on

Migration from Gmaps

The Maps module add some new things but also dropped some functions compared to the Gmaps module.

First de-install the Gmaps module (save your API keys to notepad) and install the Maps module.

The following functions are removed

The following functions are changed

API Keys

By default the free services from OpenSteetmap is used for the Tiles and Geocoding.

For some Providers and Tiles, you need a API key. In the CP there will be a description how to obtains such API Key.

CP Overview

On the CP page you can modify a couple of things.


Control panel overview

Geocoding providers

Here you can select what Geocoding service you want to use. By default openstreetmap Map Providers

Tile Providers

Here you can select the Tile to use as overlay what result in a viewable map. By default openstreetmap Map Tiles


Maps will log important errors to the main Log.


Control all you cached addresses. Be careful with this cached data, delete it only when you have to (due the geocoding limits of Google).

Map Cache

Weather API

In order to use the Weather API, you need to add a API key from

This tag will ensure that all Javascript is loaded correctly. Just place this before the closing </body> tag.

The tag


HTML header tag

This tag will ensure that all Javascript and CSS is loaded correctly. Just place this in the <head> of your page.

The tag


Tag Parameters

Below are the Tag Parameters. Those parameters can be used in the tag described above


the language code. e.g. en-US or nl-NL or nl-BE, Default to your current browser language




Tag Parameters

Below are the Tag Parameters. Those parameters can be used in the tag described above.


multiple addresses, eg. addresses seperated with a pipline '|'

addresses="" [REQUIRED] if latlng or ip is empty


multiple latitude longlitude, seperated with a pipline '|'

latlngs="" [REQUIRED] if address or ip is empty


multiple ips, seperated with a pipline '|' (Magic const: CURRENT_IP and SERVER_IP)

ips="" [REQUIRED] if address or latlng is empty


Below are the variable and accessible withing the {result}{/result} tag

Result tag pair

























This is the main tag for all your mapping stuff

The tag


Tag parameters

Below are the Tag Parameters. Those parameters can be used in the tag described above.


use a tile that is enabled in the CP. Use more then one to enable the tile selector as seen below in the screenshots

Tile selector closed

Tile selector open

Default is openstreetmap



The position of the control (one of the map corners). Possible values are topleft, topright, bottomleft or bottomright



Enable the fullscreen control. This adds a button to map that will set the map to fullscreen upon click. Possible values are yes or no



if you enable the Google Tile, you also have the possibility to style the map. See

Because this is just Json, you can also use Snazzy for this

As you enter json in the parameter, its better to use the alternative parameter.

        {elementType: 'geometry', stylers: [{color: '#242f3e'}]},
        {elementType: 'labels.text.stroke', stylers: [{color: '#242f3e'}]},
        {elementType: 'labels.text.fill', stylers: [{color: '#746855'}]},
          featureType: 'administrative.locality',
          elementType: 'labels.text.fill',
          stylers: [{color: '#d59563'}]
          featureType: 'poi',
          elementType: 'labels.text.fill',
          stylers: [{color: '#d59563'}]
          featureType: 'poi.park',
          elementType: 'geometry',
          stylers: [{color: '#263c3f'}]
          featureType: 'poi.park',
          elementType: 'labels.text.fill',
          stylers: [{color: '#6b9a76'}]
          featureType: 'road',
          elementType: 'geometry',
          stylers: [{color: '#38414e'}]
          featureType: 'road',
          elementType: 'geometry.stroke',
          stylers: [{color: '#212a37'}]
          featureType: 'road',
          elementType: 'labels.text.fill',
          stylers: [{color: '#9ca5b3'}]
          featureType: 'road.highway',
          elementType: 'geometry',
          stylers: [{color: '#746855'}]
          featureType: 'road.highway',
          elementType: 'geometry.stroke',
          stylers: [{color: '#1f2835'}]
          featureType: 'road.highway',
          elementType: 'labels.text.fill',
          stylers: [{color: '#f3d19c'}]
          featureType: 'transit',
          elementType: 'geometry',
          stylers: [{color: '#2f3948'}]
          featureType: 'transit.station',
          elementType: 'labels.text.fill',
          stylers: [{color: '#d59563'}]
          featureType: 'water',
          elementType: 'geometry',
          stylers: [{color: '#17263c'}]
          featureType: 'water',
          elementType: 'labels.text.fill',
          stylers: [{color: '#515c6d'}]
          featureType: 'water',
          elementType: 'labels.text.stroke',
          stylers: [{color: '#17263c'}]
{/google_maps:style} [OPTIONAL]


Add Google Steetview to your map

Note: that you need to have Google Maps Tile enabled to get this fully working

google_maps:streetview="yes" [OPTIONAL]


Center the map based on an address



Center the map based on an latlng



the zoom level.

zoom="15" [OPTIONAL]


the max zoom level.

zoom:max="19" [OPTIONAL]


the min zoom level.

zoom:min="19" [OPTIONAL]


Fit the map based on the markers

fit_map:markers="yes" [OPTIONAL]


Fit the map based on the circles

fit_map:circles="no" [OPTIONAL]


Fit the map based on the rectangles

fit_map:rectangles="no" [OPTIONAL]


Fit the map based on the polylines

fit_map:polylines="no" [OPTIONAL]


Fit the map based on the polygons

fit_map:polygons="no" [OPTIONAL]


Fit the map based on the geojson data

fit_map:geojson="no" [OPTIONAL]


Fit the map based on the routes
Only works when the Maps Route module is installed

fit_map:routes="no" [OPTIONAL]


Zoom out on the bound level that has been set.

For example, your auto zoom is 10 and you are using fit_map:force_zoom_out="3". Your new zoom level become 7.

fit_map:force_zoom_out="1" [OPTIONAL]


Force zoom. This will override the auto zoom level.

fit_map:force_zoom="10" [OPTIONAL]

You can combine multiple fit_map calls e.g. fit_map:circles="yes" fit_map:polygons="yes"


enable clustering for the makers

marker_cluster:enabled="no" [OPTIONAL]


When you mouse over a cluster it shows the bounds of its markers.

marker_cluster:show_coverage_on_hover="no" [OPTIONAL]


When you click a cluster we zoom to its bounds.

marker_cluster:zoom_to_bounds_on_click="yes" [OPTIONAL]


When you click a cluster at the bottom zoom level we spiderfy it so you can see all of its markers.

marker_cluster:spiderfy_on_max_zoom="yes" [OPTIONAL]


Clusters and markers too far from the viewport are removed from the map for performance.

marker_cluster:remove_outside_visible_bounds="yes" [OPTIONAL]


the div CLASS name.

div_class="ee_gmap" [OPTIONAL]


the width of the map

width="400px" [OPTIONAL]


the height of the map

height="400px" [OPTIONAL]


Show a overlay on the map Overlay

overlay:html="<p><b>Maps Overlay</b></p>This is a Google Like overlay<p><p>Just like the Iframe</p>"  [OPTIONAL]


Set the position of the overlay.
values: left right

overlay:position="right" [OPTIONAL]


Focus on the users current location. (SSL is needed)

focus_current_location="no" [OPTIONAL]


possible to scroll the map with the scrollwheel.

scroll_wheel="yes" [OPTIONAL]


place the zoom control on the map.

zoom_control="yes" [OPTIONAL]


Set the position for the control. Possible values are topleft, topright, bottomleft or bottomright

zoom_control_position="topleft" [OPTIONAL]


place the scale control on the map.

scale_control="yes" [OPTIONAL]


Prevents users from getting trapped on the map when scrolling a long page.

gesture_handling="yes" [OPTIONAL]


Add a weather layer e.g. rain, snow, wind etc. (in order to use the weather layers, you need to obtain a API key from and add it in the CP settings page)

Layers: clouds cloudsClassic precipitation precipitationClassic rain rainClassic snow pressure pressureContour temperature wind

weather="[[layer_name]:[opacity]:[legend]]," [OPTIONAL]
weather="rain:0.5:no" [OPTIONAL]

Tag Variable

Below are the Tag Variables. Those Variables can be used in the tag described above


The map ID of the current map


Map Circle

The add circle tag for use inside the {exp:reinos_maps:map} tag

The tag


Tag parameters

Below are the Tag Parameters. Those parameters can be used in the tag described above.


The address for the circle



The latlng for the circle



Enable the stroke

stroke:enable="yes" [OPTIONAL]


set the stroke color.

stroke:color="#000000" [OPTIONAL]


set the stroke opacity.

stroke:opacity="1" [OPTIONAL]


set the stroke weight.

stroke:weight="1" [OPTIONAL]


enable to fill the circle

fill:enable="yes" [OPTIONAL]


set the fill color.

fill:color="#000000" [OPTIONAL]


set the fill opacity.

fill:opacity="0.4" [OPTIONAL]


set the radius in meters.

radius="1000" [OPTIONAL]


set the tooltip content.

tooltip:content="[location]" [OPTIONAL]


Direction where to open the tooltip. Possible values are: right, left, top, bottom, center, auto.

auto will dynamically switch between right and left according to the tooltip position on the map.

tooltip:direction="auto" [OPTIONAL]


Whether to open the tooltip permanently or only on mouseover.

tooltip:permanent="no" [OPTIONAL]


If yes, the tooltip will follow the mouse instead of being fixed at the center.

tooltip:sticky="no" [OPTIONAL]


Set a class for the circle object

radius="maps_circle" [OPTIONAL]

The content for the popup (infowindow) e.g: <h1>Yeah [location]</h1>

Variables : [location] [route_to_url] [route_from_url] [map_url] [elevation] [address] [street_name] [street_number] [city] [country] [country_code] [zipcode]
Note[elevation] is only accessible when you set the get_elevation="yes" param
Note using the latlng and omit the reverse_geocode_latlng param to set to yes, you wont get any geocoding vars

popup:content="" [OPTIONAL]

Specify the offset in pixel where the popup must show

popup:offset="0,0" [OPTIONAL]

Specify the max width for the popup

popup:max_width="400" [OPTIONAL]

Specify the min width for the popup

popup:min_width="200" [OPTIONAL]

Open the popup on hover

popup:open_on_hover="no" [OPTIONAL]

Open the popup by default

possible values no|yes

popup:open_by_default="yes" [OPTIONAL]

Close the popup when another popup is opened.

In case if you want to open 2 or more popups by default, you can combine this with popup:open_by_default="yes"

possible values no|yes

popup:open_by_default="yes" [OPTIONAL]


To get the circle via the api, you have to enter the key for you circle. By default the keys are generated for you based on the address, number and latlng. To extend this with your own keys, you can use this param.
use a colon (:) to give a locations multiple keys



The add GeoJSON tag for use inside the {exp:reinos_maps:map} tag

The tag

        "type": "Feature",
        "properties": {
            "name": "Coors Field",
            "amenity": "Baseball Stadium",
            "popupContent": "This is where the Rockies play!"
        "geometry": {
            "type": "Point",
            "coordinates": [-104.99404, 39.75621]

Tag parameters

Below are the Tag Parameters. Those parameters can be used in the tag described above.


set the stroke color.

stroke:color="#000000" [OPTIONAL]


set the stroke opacity..

stroke:opacity="1" [OPTIONAL]


Set the stroke weight

stroke:weight="6" [OPTIONAL]


set the fill opacity.

fill:opacity="1" [OPTIONAL]


set the fill color

fill:color="#000000" [OPTIONAL]


To get the marker via the api, you have to enter the key for you marker. By default the keys are generated for you based on the address, number and latlng. To extend this with your own keys, you can use this param.
use a colon (:) to give a locations multiple keys



Inside the tagdata your are placing your GeoJSON data.

  {exp:reinos_maps:map fit_map:geojson="yes"}
        "type": "Feature",
        "properties": {"party": "Republican"},
        "geometry": {
            "type": "Polygon",
            "coordinates": [[
                [-104.05, 48.99],
                [-97.22,  48.98],
                [-96.58,  45.94],
                [-104.03, 45.94],
                [-104.05, 48.99]
    }, {
        "type": "Feature",
        "properties": {"party": "Democrat"},
        "geometry": {
            "type": "Polygon",
            "coordinates": [[
                [-109.05, 41.00],
                [-102.06, 40.99],
                [-102.03, 36.99],
                [-109.04, 36.99],
                [-109.05, 41.00]


You can set the global style via the parameters. But to use a more dynamically approach you can also use a special Javascript function

The example below react before the geoJson is pared with the geojson.beforeReady event. The you can use REINOS_MAPS.setGeoJsonStyle that accept a function with a parameter for the current reading feature.

REINOS_MAPS.on('geojson.beforeReady', function(){
    REINOS_MAPS.setGeoJsonStyle(function(feature) {
        //your logic
        return {color: #fff};

A full working example would be where we highlight the Republican state and the Democrat state

  {exp:reinos_maps:map fit_map:geojson="yes"}
        "type": "Feature",
        "properties": {"party": "Republican"},
        "geometry": {
            "type": "Polygon",
            "coordinates": [[
                [-104.05, 48.99],
                [-97.22,  48.98],
                [-96.58,  45.94],
                [-104.03, 45.94],
                [-104.05, 48.99]
    }, {
        "type": "Feature",
        "properties": {"party": "Democrat"},
        "geometry": {
            "type": "Polygon",
            "coordinates": [[
                [-109.05, 41.00],
                [-102.06, 40.99],
                [-102.03, 36.99],
                [-109.04, 36.99],
                [-109.05, 41.00]

REINOS_MAPS.on('geojson.beforeReady', function(){
    REINOS_MAPS.setGeoJsonStyle(function(feature) {
        switch ( {
            case 'Republican': return {color: "#ff0000"};
            case 'Democrat':   return {color: "#0000ff"};


The add KML tag for use inside the {exp:reinos_maps:map} tag

The tag


Tag parameters

Below are the Tag Parameters. Those parameters can be used in the tag described above.


The url where the KML file is located


Map Markers

The add marker tag for use inside the {exp:reinos_maps:map} tag

The tag


Tag parameters

Below are the Tag Parameters. Those parameters can be used in the tag described above.


The address for the marker



The latlng for the marker



Geocode also latlng coordinates to get the best result



enable the animation for the marker, this will drop your marker.

Coming soon

animation="no" [OPTIONAL]


set the tooltip for the marker.

tooltip:content="[location]" [OPTIONAL]


Direction where to open the tooltip. Possible values are: right, left, top, bottom, center, auto.

auto will dynamically switch between right and left according to the tooltip position on the map.

tooltip:direction="auto" [OPTIONAL]


Whether to open the tooltip permanently or only on mouseover.

tooltip:permanent="no" [OPTIONAL]


If yes, the tooltip will follow the mouse instead of being fixed at the marker center.

tooltip:sticky="no" [OPTIONAL]


set icon path for the marker.

icon:url="" [OPTIONAL]


Specify the offset in pixel where the icon must show

icon:offset="0,0" [OPTIONAL]


Set the size for an icon.

icon:size="25,41" [OPTIONAL]


set the shadow icon path for the marker.

icon:shadow:url="" [OPTIONAL]


Specify the shadow offset in pixel where the icon must show

icon:shadow:offset="0,0" [OPTIONAL]


Set the shadow size for an icon.

icon:shadow:size="" [OPTIONAL]


Set the class for the marker html

icon:class_name="maps_marker" [OPTIONAL]


With Glyph icons you can add Glyph icons to your marker Glyph icon


Set the prefix. For example, this would be fa for FontAwesome

glyph_icon:prefix="" [OPTIONAL]


Set the name of the icon

glyph_icon:name="" [OPTIONAL]


If you need to add an extra class to the marker.

glyph_icon:class_name="" [OPTIONAL]


Set the color of the Glyph icon

glyph_icon:color="#fff" [OPTIONAL]

The content for the popup (infowindow) e.g: <h1>Yeah [location]</h1>

Variables : [location] [route_to_url] [route_from_url] [map_url] [elevation] [address] [street_name] [street_number] [city] [country] [country_code] [zipcode]
Note[elevation] is only accessible when you set the get_elevation="yes" param
Note using the latlng and omit the reverse_geocode_latlng param to set to yes, you wont get any geocoding vars

popup:content="" [OPTIONAL]

Specify the offset in pixel where the popup must show

popup:offset="0,0" [OPTIONAL]

Specify the max width for the popup

popup:max_width="400" [OPTIONAL]

Specify the min width for the popup

popup:min_width="200" [OPTIONAL]

Open the popup on hover

popup:open_on_hover="no" [OPTIONAL]

Open the popup by default

possible values no|yes

popup:open_by_default="yes" [OPTIONAL]

Close the popup when another popup is opened.

In case if you want to open 2 or more popups by default, you can combine this with popup:open_by_default="yes"

possible values no|yes

popup:open_by_default="yes" [OPTIONAL]


To get the marker via the api, you have to enter the key for you marker. By default the keys are generated for you based on the address, number and latlng. To extend this with your own keys, you can use this param.
use a colon (:) to give a locations multiple keys

keys="key1_for_the_first_marker:key2_for_the_first_marker" [OPTIONAL]


Get the elevation so you can use the [elevation] variable in the Popups (only availble with the maps_service module installed)

possible values no|yes

get_elevation="no" [OPTIONAL]


Reverse geocoding, so latlng coordinates are geocoded to get the best known location.

possible values no|yes

reverse_geocoding_latlng="no" [OPTIONAL]

Set a URL where the marker goes on marker click


How to open the link

possible values no|yes

link:new_tab="no" [OPTIONAL]

Map Polygon

The add polygon tag for use inside the {exp:reinos_maps:map} tag

The tag


Tag parameters

Below are the Tag Parameters. Those parameters can be used in the tag described above.


The address for the polygon. Because this param need 2 address to create the polygon, use a pipline to seperate.



The latlng. Because this param need 2 latlng to create the rectangle, use a pipline to seperate.



a json string with lat, lng.

    [39.74732195489861, -105.00432014465332],
    [39.74620006835170, -105.00715255737305],
    [39.74468219277038, -105.00921249389647],
    [39.74362625960105, -105.01067161560059],
    [39.74290029616054, -105.01195907592773],
    [39.74078835902781, -105.00989913940431],
    [39.74059036160317, -105.00758171081543],
    [39.74059036160317, -105.00346183776855],
    [39.74059036160317, -105.00097274780272],
    [39.74072235994946, -105.00062942504881],
    [39.74191033368865, -105.00020027160645],
    [39.74276830198601, -105.00071525573731],
    [39.74369225589818, -105.00097274780272],
    [39.74461619742136, -105.00097274780272],
    [39.74534214278395, -105.00123023986816],
    [39.74613407445653, -105.00183105468751],
    [39.74732195489861, -105.00432014465332],
    [39.74354376414072, -105.00361204147337],
    [39.74278480127163, -105.00301122665405],
    [39.74316428375108, -105.00221729278564],
    [39.74390674342741, -105.00283956527711],
    [39.74354376414072, -105.00361204147337],
    [39.73989736613708, -105.00942707061768],
    [39.73910536278566, -105.00942707061768],
    [39.73923736397631, -105.00685214996338],
    [39.73910536278566, -105.00384807586671],
    [39.73903936209552, -105.00174522399902],
    [39.73910536278566, -105.00041484832764],
    [39.73979836621592, -105.00041484832764],
    [39.73986436617916, -105.00535011291504],
    [39.73989736613708, -105.00942707061768]


Enable the stroke



set the stroke color.

stroke:color="#000000" [OPTIONAL]


set the stroke opacity..

stroke:opacity="1" [OPTIONAL]


Set the stroke weight

stroke:weight="6" [OPTIONAL]


Enable the fill option



set the fill opacity.

fill:opacity="1" [OPTIONAL]


set the fill color

fill:color="#000000" [OPTIONAL]


set the tooltip content.

tooltip:content="[location]" [OPTIONAL]


Direction where to open the tooltip. Possible values are: right, left, top, bottom, center, auto.

auto will dynamically switch between right and left according to the tooltip position on the map.

tooltip:direction="auto" [OPTIONAL]


Whether to open the tooltip permanently or only on mouseover.

tooltip:permanent="no" [OPTIONAL]


If yes, the tooltip will follow the mouse instead of being fixed at the center.

tooltip:sticky="no" [OPTIONAL]

The content for the popup (infowindow) e.g: <h1>Yeah [location]</h1>

Variables : [location] [route_to_url] [route_from_url] [map_url] [elevation] [address] [street_name] [street_number] [city] [country] [country_code] [zipcode]
Note[elevation] is only accessible when you set the get_elevation="yes" param
Note using the latlng and omit the reverse_geocode_latlng param to set to yes, you wont get any geocoding vars

popup:content="" [OPTIONAL]

Specify the offset in pixel where the popup must show

popup:offset="0,0" [OPTIONAL]

Specify the max width for the popup

popup:max_width="400" [OPTIONAL]

Specify the min width for the popup

popup:min_width="200" [OPTIONAL]

Open the popup on hover

popup:open_on_hover="no" [OPTIONAL]

Open the popup by default

possible values no|yes

popup:open_by_default="yes" [OPTIONAL]

Close the popup when another popup is opened.

In case if you want to open 2 or more popups by default, you can combine this with popup:open_by_default="yes"

possible values no|yes

popup:open_by_default="yes" [OPTIONAL]


To get the polygon via the api, you have to enter the key for you polygon. By default the keys are generated for you based on the address, number and latlng. To extend this with your own keys, you can use this param.
use a colon (:) to give a locations multiple keys


Map polyline

The add polyline tag for use inside the {exp:reinos_maps:map} tag

The tag


Tag parameters

Below are the Tag Parameters. Those parameters can be used in the tag described above.


The address

addresses="" [REQUIRED] if latlng is empty


Lat Lng points

latlngs="" [REQUIRED] if address is empty


a json string with lat, lng.

    [39.74732195489861, -105.00432014465332],
    [39.74620006835170, -105.00715255737305],
    [39.74468219277038, -105.00921249389647],
    [39.74362625960105, -105.01067161560059],
    [39.74290029616054, -105.01195907592773],
    [39.74078835902781, -105.00989913940431],
    [39.74059036160317, -105.00758171081543],
    [39.74059036160317, -105.00346183776855],
    [39.74059036160317, -105.00097274780272],
    [39.74072235994946, -105.00062942504881],
    [39.74191033368865, -105.00020027160645],
    [39.74276830198601, -105.00071525573731],
    [39.74369225589818, -105.00097274780272],
    [39.74461619742136, -105.00097274780272],
    [39.74534214278395, -105.00123023986816],
    [39.74613407445653, -105.00183105468751],
    [39.74732195489861, -105.00432014465332],
    [39.74354376414072, -105.00361204147337],
    [39.74278480127163, -105.00301122665405],
    [39.74316428375108, -105.00221729278564],
    [39.74390674342741, -105.00283956527711],
    [39.74354376414072, -105.00361204147337],
    [39.73989736613708, -105.00942707061768],
    [39.73910536278566, -105.00942707061768],
    [39.73923736397631, -105.00685214996338],
    [39.73910536278566, -105.00384807586671],
    [39.73903936209552, -105.00174522399902],
    [39.73910536278566, -105.00041484832764],
    [39.73979836621592, -105.00041484832764],
    [39.73986436617916, -105.00535011291504],
    [39.73989736613708, -105.00942707061768]


Enable the stroke

stroke:enable="yes" [OPTIONAL]


set the stroke color.

stroke:color="#000000" [OPTIONAL]


set the stroke opacity..

stroke:opacity="1" [OPTIONAL]


Set the stroke weight

stroke:weight="6" [OPTIONAL]


set the tooltip content.

tooltip:content="[location]" [OPTIONAL]


Direction where to open the tooltip. Possible values are: right, left, top, bottom, center, auto.

auto will dynamically switch between right and left according to the tooltip position on the map.

tooltip:direction="auto" [OPTIONAL]


Whether to open the tooltip permanently or only on mouseover.

tooltip:permanent="no" [OPTIONAL]


If yes, the tooltip will follow the mouse instead of being fixed at the center.

tooltip:sticky="no" [OPTIONAL]

The content for the popup (infowindow) e.g: <h1>Yeah [location]</h1>

Variables : [location] [route_to_url] [route_from_url] [map_url] [elevation] [address] [street_name] [street_number] [city] [country] [country_code] [zipcode]
Note[elevation] is only accessible when you set the get_elevation="yes" param
Note using the latlng and omit the reverse_geocode_latlng param to set to yes, you wont get any geocoding vars

popup:content="" [OPTIONAL]

Specify the offset in pixel where the popup must show

popup:offset="0,0" [OPTIONAL]

Specify the max width for the popup

popup:max_width="400" [OPTIONAL]

Specify the min width for the popup

popup:min_width="200" [OPTIONAL]

Open the popup on hover

popup:open_on_hover="no" [OPTIONAL]

Open the popup by default

possible values no|yes

popup:open_by_default="yes" [OPTIONAL]

Close the popup when another popup is opened.

In case if you want to open 2 or more popups by default, you can combine this with popup:open_by_default="yes"

possible values no|yes

popup:open_by_default="yes" [OPTIONAL]


To get the polyline via the api, you have to enter the key for you polyline. By default the keys are generated for you based on the address, number and latlng. To extend this with your own keys, you can use this param.
use a colon (:) to give a locations multiple keys


Map Rectangle

The add recatangle tag for use inside the {exp:reinos_maps:map} tag

The tag


Tag parameters

Below are the Tag Parameters. Those parameters can be used in the tag described above.


The address for the rectangle. Because this param need 2 address to create the rectangle, use a pipline to seperate.



The latlng for the rectangle. Because this param need 2 latlng to create the rectangle, use a pipline to seperate.



enable the stroke.

stroke:enable="yes" [OPTIONAL]


set the stroke color.

stroke:color="#000000" [OPTIONAL]


set the stroke opacity.

stroke:opacity="1" [OPTIONAL]


set the stroke weight.

stroke:weight="1" [OPTIONAL]


enable the fill

fill:enable="yes" [OPTIONAL]


set the fill color.

fill:color="#000000" [OPTIONAL]


set the fill opacity

fill:opacity="1" [OPTIONAL]


set the tooltip for the rectangle.

tooltip:content="[location]" [OPTIONAL]


Direction where to open the tooltip. Possible values are: right, left, top, bottom, center, auto.

auto will dynamically switch between right and left according to the tooltip position on the map.

tooltip:direction="auto" [OPTIONAL]


Whether to open the tooltip permanently or only on mouseover.

tooltip:permanent="no" [OPTIONAL]


If yes, the tooltip will follow the mouse instead of being fixed at the rectangle center.

tooltip:sticky="no" [OPTIONAL]

The content for the popup (infowindow) e.g: <h1>Yeah [location]</h1>

Variables : [location] [route_to_url] [route_from_url] [map_url] [elevation] [address] [street_name] [street_number] [city] [country] [country_code] [zipcode]
Note[elevation] is only accessible when you set the get_elevation="yes" param
Note using the latlng and omit the reverse_geocode_latlng param to set to yes, you wont get any geocoding vars

popup:content="" [OPTIONAL]

Specify the offset in pixel where the popup must show

popup:offset="0,0" [OPTIONAL]

Specify the max width for the popup

popup:max_width="400" [OPTIONAL]

Specify the min width for the popup

popup:min_width="200" [OPTIONAL]

Open the popup on hover

popup:open_on_hover="no" [OPTIONAL]

Open the popup by default

possible values no|yes

popup:open_by_default="yes" [OPTIONAL]

Close the popup when another popup is opened.

In case if you want to open 2 or more popups by default, you can combine this with popup:open_by_default="yes"

possible values no|yes

popup:open_by_default="yes" [OPTIONAL]


To get the rectangle via the api, you have to enter the key for you rectangle. By default the keys are generated for you based on the address, number and latlng. To extend this with your own keys, you can use this param.
use a colon (:) to give a locations multiple keys



For the following methods {maps:add_circle} {maps:add_geojson} {maps:add_kml} {maps:add_marker} {maps:add_polygon} {maps:add_polylines} {maps:add_rectangle} there are 2 events that would be called and where you can hook into.


This event is called when all data is loaded and placed on the map.

 REINOS_MAPS.on('markers.ready', function(){
    //your logic


This event is called when before the data is loaded and placed on the map.

 REINOS_MAPS.on('markers.beforeReady', function(){
    //your logic

Geocoder API

The Geocoder from Maps can also be used outside the area of the JS Maps. For example if you only need to geocode an address using Javascript, or in an other PHP app on your site.

API Methods





    "input": "your-addres"


         "default_title":"Amsterdam, Netherlands",
         "address":"Amsterdam, Netherlands"

Example PHP

//set POST variables
$url = '';
$fields = array(
            'input' => urlencode('apeldoorn')

//url-ify the data for the POST
$fields_string = '';
foreach($fields as $key=>$value) { $fields_string .= $key.'='.$value.'&'; }
rtrim($fields_string, '&');

//open connection
$ch = curl_init();

//set the url, number of POST vars, POST data
curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_URL, $url);
curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_POST, count($fields));
curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $fields_string);

//execute post
$result = curl_exec($ch);


//close connection

Examle Javascript (jQuery)'', {input:'amsterdam'}, function(result){

Javascript API

With the Javascript API, you are able to modify the data without any EE tags. You can add markers, cirlces etc but also you`re able to modify the Map style etc.

In the methods where you work with the markers, you have to enter a key that belongs to the marker. This key is the latlng or the address you entered or a self chosen key

Maps ready function

This will execute after the (all) Maps is fully loaded

//your logic code


mapID : the ID of the map (eg reinos_map_1)

Refresh the map, so its update all data

REINOS_MAPS.api('refresh', {
  mapID : '', 


mapID : the ID of the map (eg reinos_map_1)
zoomLevel : zoom level between 0-21 depending on the tile settings

Set the zoom level of the map

REINOS_MAPS.api('setZoom', {
  mapID : '' , 
  zoom : ''


mapID : the ID of the map (eg reinos_map_1)

REINOS_MAPS.api('zoomOut', {
  mapID : '' , 


mapID : the ID of the map (eg reinos_map_1)

REINOS_MAPS.api('zoomIn', {
  mapID : '' , 


mapID : the ID of the map (eg reinos_map_1)
type : markers circles rectangles polygons polylines

Fit the map based on the markers, circles, rectangles, polygons or polylines

omit the type, will result in fit the map based on all types

REINOS_MAPS.api('fitMap', {
  mapID : '', 
  type : '' 


mapID : the ID of the map (eg reinos_map_1)
lat : the lng coordinate
lng: the lat coordinate

Center the map based on coordinates

REINOS_MAPS.api('center', {
  mapID : '', 
  lat : '',
  lng: '' 


mapID : the ID of the map (eg reinos_map_1)

Get a map instance

REINOS_MAPS.api('getMap', {
  mapID : ''


mapID : the ID of the map (eg reinos_map_1)

Remove a map instance

REINOS_MAPS.api('removeMap', {
  mapID : ''


mapID : the ID of the map (eg reinos_map_1)
options: a object with map options

Update a map

REINOS_MAPS.api('updateMap', {
  mapID : '',
  options: {
    width: '200px',
    height: '400px',
    center: '<lat>,<lng>',
    zoom: '10',
    scroll_wheel: true,
    zoom_control: true,
    zoom_control_position: 'topleft',
    scale_control: true',
    scale_control_position: 'topleft',
    overlay_html: '',


mapID : the ID of the map (eg reinos_map_1)
lat : latitude coordinate
lng : longitude coordinate
tooltip : tooltip object popup : popup object

Add a new marker to a map

REINOS_MAPS.api('addMarker', {
  mapID : '',
  lat : '',
  lng : '',
  tooltip : {
      content: ''
  popup : {
    popupContent : ''


mapID : the ID of the map (eg reinos_map_1)
key : the key of the marker

Remove Marker

REINOS_MAPS.api('removeMarker', {
  mapID : '',
  key: ''


mapID : the ID of the map (eg reinos_map_1)

Remove all Marker

REINOS_MAPS.api('removeMarker', {
  mapID : ''


mapID : the ID of the map (eg reinos_map_1)
key : the key of the marker

Hide Marker

REINOS_MAPS.api('', {
  mapID : '',
  key: ''


mapID : the ID of the map (eg reinos_map_1)

Hide all Marker

REINOS_MAPS.api('', {
  mapID : ''


mapID : the ID of the map (eg reinos_map_1)
key : the key of the marker

This method will show a marker which is removed or hided from the map.

REINOS_MAPS.api('showMarker', {
  mapID : '',
  key: ''


mapID : the ID of the map (eg reinos_map_1)

This method will show all marker which is removed or hided from the map.

REINOS_MAPS.api('showMarker', {
  mapID : ''


mapID : the ID of the map (eg reinos_map_1)
key: The marker key

Get a marker

REINOS_MAPS.api('getMarker', {
  mapID : '',
  key: ''


mapID : the ID of the map (eg reinos_map_1)

Get all the markers for a specific map

REINOS_MAPS.api('', {
  mapID : ''


Get all map markers



mapID : the ID of the map (eg reinos_map_1)
key : the key of the marker
callback : a callback function

Trigger an onClick event on a marker

REINOS_MAPS.api('markerClick', {
  mapID : '', 
  key : '',
  callback: function(){} 


mapID : the ID of the map (eg reinos_map_1)
key : the key of the marker

Open a marker popup

REINOS_MAPS.api('openMarkerPopup', {
   mapID : ''
   key : ''


mapID : the ID of the map (eg reinos_map_1)
key : the key of the marker

Close a marker popup

REINOS_MAPS.api('closeMarkerPopup', {
   mapID : ''
   key : ''


mapID : the ID of the map (eg reinos_map_1)
key : the key of the marker

Toggle a marker popup

REINOS_MAPS.api('toggleMarkerPopup', {
   mapID : ''
   key : ''


mapID : the ID of the map (eg reinos_map_1)
lat: Lat coordinate
lng: lng coordinate
color: The stroke color
weight: Weight of the stroke
opacity: Stroke opacity
fillColor: the fill color
fillOpacity: the opacity of the fill
radius: Radius in meters,

Add a circle

REINOS_MAPS.api('addCircle', {
   mapID : '',
   lat: '',
   lng: '',
   color: '',
   weight: '',
   opacity: '',
   fillColor: '',
   fillOpacity: '',
   radius: ''


mapID : the ID of the map (eg reinos_map_1)
key: the key of the circle

Get a circle

REINOS_MAPS.api('getCircle', {
   mapID : '',
   key: ''


mapID : the ID of the map (eg reinos_map_1)
key: the key of the circle

Remove a circle

REINOS_MAPS.api('removeCircle', {
   mapID : '',
   key: ''


mapID : the ID of the map (eg reinos_map_1)
latlngs: an array of latlng array color: The stroke color
weight: Weight of the stroke
opacity: Stroke opacity
fillColor: the fill color
fillOpacity: the opacity of the fill

Add a Rectangle

REINOS_MAPS.api('addRectangle', {
   mapID : '',
   bounds: '',
   color: '',
   weight: '',
   opacity: '',
   fillColor: '',
   fillOpacity: '',
   radius: ''


mapID : the ID of the map (eg reinos_map_1)
key: the key of the Rectangle

Get a rectangle

REINOS_MAPS.api('Get a rectangle', {
   mapID : '',
   key: ''


mapID : the ID of the map (eg reinos_map_1)
key: the key of the Rectangle

Remove a Rectangle

REINOS_MAPS.api('removeRectangle', {
   mapID : '',
   key: ''


mapID : the ID of the map (eg reinos_map_1)
latlngs: array of latLng array color: The stroke color
weight: Weight of the stroke
opacity: Stroke opacity
fillColor: the fill color
fillOpacity: the opacity of the fill

Add a Polygon

REINOS_MAPS.api('addPolygon', {
   mapID : '',
   path: '',
   color: '',
   weight: '',
   opacity: '',
   fillColor: '',
   fillOpacity: '',


mapID : the ID of the map (eg reinos_map_1)
key: the key of the Polygon

Get a Polygon

REINOS_MAPS.api('getPolygon', {
   mapID : '',
   key: ''


mapID : the ID of the map (eg reinos_map_1)
key: the key of the Polygon

Remove a Polygon

REINOS_MAPS.api('removePolygon', {
   mapID : '',
   key: ''


mapID : the ID of the map (eg reinos_map_1)
latlngs: array of latLng array color: The stroke color
weight: Weight of the stroke
opacity: Stroke opacity

Add a Polyline

REINOS_MAPS.api('addPolyline', {
   mapID : '',
   latlngs: '',
   color: '',
   weight: '',
   opacity: ''


mapID : the ID of the map (eg reinos_map_1)
key: the key of the Polyline

Get a Polyline

REINOS_MAPS.api('getPolyline', {
   mapID : '',
   key: ''


mapID : the ID of the map (eg reinos_map_1)
key: the key of the Polyline

Remove a Polyline

REINOS_MAPS.api('removePolyline', {
   mapID : '',
   key: ''


callback : a callback function

Geolocate to the current location

REINOS_MAPS.api('geolocation', {
   callback : function(position){}


address : addres to geocode, multiple addresses seperated by a pipline '|'
latlng : latlng to reverse geocode, multiple latlngs seperated by a pipline '|'
ip : ip to geocode, multiple ips seperated by a pipline '|'
callback : function that will be triggered when the results are loaded

Geocode (using the caching function of Maps)

REINOS_MAPS.api('geocode', {
  address: '',
  latlng : '',
  ip : '',
  callback : function(result, type){} 

geocode result

in the callback the result of your request looks like

         "default_title":"Apeldoorn, Netherlands",
         "address":"Apeldoorn, Netherlands"

Default callback

As third param you can specify a callback. this is for every method the same.

REINOS_MAPS.api('addMarker', {
  address: 'new york',
  mapID: 'reinos_maps_1'
}}, function(){
    //this is the default callback function

Encode HTML data

Most of the WYSIWYG editors generate a lot of HTML to show the content correctly. However, if we put this content inside our {add_marker popup:content="{editor_field}"} it will not work most of the time.

The thing is that the EE parser cannot deal with this complex markup inside a parameter.

To solve this we introduce a new tag {exp:reinos_maps:encode}{your_editor_field}{/exp:reinos_maps:encode}. This tag will encode the data and parse it later on to the map.

Currently we support the following parameters

The tag

Example use case
    popup:content="{exp:reinos_maps:encode}your complex markup{/exp:reinos_maps:encode}"


3.9.3 (05-03-2025)

3.9.2 (11-10-2024)

3.9.1 (28-02-2024)

3.9.0 (02-10-2023)

3.8.2 (09-08-2023)

3.8.1 (25-07-2023)

3.8.0 (24-07-2023)

3.7.0 (03-09-2022)

3.6.3 (25-08-2022)

3.6.2 (14-07-2022)

3.6.1 (09-06-2022)

3.6.0 (09-05-2022)

Breaking changes

Revisited and change your params for all {exp:reinos_maps:geocoder} tags

{exp:reinos_maps:geocoder address=""} --> {exp:reinos_maps:geocoder addresses=""} {exp:reinos_maps:geocoder latlng=""} --> {exp:reinos_maps:geocoder latlngs=""} {exp:reinos_maps:geocoder ip=""} --> {exp:reinos_maps:geocoder ips=""}

3.5.0 (23-04-2022)

3.4.2 (23-02-2022)

3.4.1 (27-10-2021)

3.4.0 (23-10-2021)

3.3.2 (20-07-2021)

3.3.1 (15-07-2021)

3.3.0 (08-07-2021)

3.2.1 (03-06-2021)

3.2.0 (26-03-2021)

Breaking changes

If you where using Key ID, Team ID and Private Key for Apple Maps, you need to create a new API key here []

3.1.0 (25-02-2021)

3.0.5 (29-12-2020)

3.0.4 (08-12-2020)

3.0.3 (06-12-2020)

3.0.2 (04-12-2020)

3.0.1 (03-12-2020)

3.0.0 (02-12-2020)

Breaking changes See

You need at least v2.3.x or higher to upgrade to this version. Inside all v3.x.x releases, there is a v2.x.x. release. You can use this version to upgrade to the latest v2.x.x and after that upgrade you are good to go to update to v3.x.x. Remember, its just replacing files and hit the upgrade button. There is no other action required, it's that simple (but required).

2.6.2 (02-12-2020)

2.6.1 (29-10-2020)

2.6.0 (17-09-2020)

2.5.0 (12-04-2020)

2.4.1 (13-11-2019)

2.4.0 (25-10-2019)

2.3.1 (19-09-2019)

2.3.0 (16-09-2019)

2.2.0 (03-09-2019)

Breaking changes

The {exp:reinos_maps:init} tag has been replaced for the {exp:reinos_maps:html_footer} and {exp:reinos_maps:html_footer} should be added to the footer.

2.1.0 (27-06-2019)

2.0.2 (08-06-2019)

2.0.1 (07-06-2019)

2.0.0 (21-05-2019)

*Note: There is a change you will have to validate the license again

\Note: Because the module has been renamed with a prefix reinos_ there is an update path by simply add the new update to* your site and install it. By installing the module, you are disabling the old module that can be deleted afterward. Also note that you have to rename the module calls and hooks with a prefix reinos_

Also note that the module need to be installed twice, as the first installation will modify some files in order to safely migrate the module

See this article about the rename

1.3.1 (18-03-2019)

1.3.0 (05-02-2019)

1.2.2 (03-01-2019)

1.2.1 (02-01-2019)

1.2.0 (19-12-2018)

1.1.0 (24-11-2018)

1.0.0 (12-11-2018)